Sunday, April 13, 2008

Leaving Chengdu

Closing night at Chengdu was bitter sweet; we are excited to move on but we know the "tour"part has now really begun! After the last show and a couple more fans, we saw the load-out trucks start backing in to move the set and the was amazing to see the 6 18-wheelers getting set to haul everything to Chongqing.  We went to Mc Donalds and some people there had gone to the show, so Matt and Zach's midnight snack began with autographs!
We had Monday  (April 7th) off. We went to Le Shan to see the Great Buddha.  It was the most incredible place we've ever been to (so far!).  Matt said it was his favorite thing in China (so far!) We loved every minute of our 8 our excursion. I hope the pictures justify the greatness of what we saw.  Matthew's new theme song is..."I like big buddhas and I cannot lie..."  So now we're off for Chongqing (a 4 hour bus ride).......

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Mom, I love your purse and red zip up hoodie ... you go girl!!!! (hint hint) You guys look like youre having so much fun I am jealous!!!!! Dave booked his flight today for the Phillippines so he will be there the last week in June for a couple of weeks ... so he says, he might not be coming back!!! His cousin's best friend is an agent there and she has him set up for fashion shows, auditions and commercials already!