Thursday, April 3, 2008

Invited Dress and Opening Night!

Wow, It's  been crazy since our last blog! Monday, April 1st was an Invitation Only Dress rehearsal!  It was soooooo good!  Tuesday morning we high tailed it back to visit the Pandas so Matt could hold one!  And then Tuesday night was Opening night!  Matt got a flower delivery from home - Birds of Paradise (memories of FL!!). Trokia sponsored a cast party that was a blast! It was truly an exciting day for Matt. But we had to be on the bus in the morning at 8:30 am (yes, we all thought it was an April Fools joke) to go update our visas. Wednesday night was the Presenter's night and we had a send-off dinner for Zacary's mom Pam, I'm really going to miss her.  Plus, the Chengdu Children that won the Do-Re-Mi contest sang at the end of the show.  Matthew made friends with Friedrich  (Oscar) and Louisa (Betty). We are excited and exhausted.  Matthew is still having girls come to the back stage door bearing gifts!  5 more shows in Chengdu and off we go to Chongqing!

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