The Chongqing Theatre was very special. We were the first event ever in this new building which was built for government assemblies. Opening night was a success! Mad Dawg asked me what a typical day was like... well, we haven't had the same day twice since we've been in China. After a show technically, there can be no school or press for 12 hours. So if the kids show is over at 11 that means school starts around 11 the next day; sometimes 12 and it lasts for up to 4 hours. The kids are suppose to get at least 16 hours of school a week. Sometimes there is more and they bank the hours, sometimes field trips or press events count as school depending on how much "Chinese culture" there is to offer! We are suppose read a notebook that is kept at the front desk of the hotel every night before we go to bed to see what the next day's bus call is, or how laundry can be done in that particular hotel, or how the master schedule's coming along! Touring is definitely NOT for the planner, or the "need-to-know-er" (What the heck am I doing here?) The best plan is to not make a plan and just be at the bus on time!!!
Welp... back to the adventure! The kids made the paper quite a bit! On Sunday April 13, we had the busiest day yet! Field trip, Press Event, voice lesson then a performance! We started out going to the Flying Tigers Museum by way of subway/tram. It was really interesting! And the Chinese are doing a lot to keep that "friendship" alive! Then the presenter sent over a small bus and brought us to an ancient village. Then we went to the other presenter's Condo community for a press event where we met with the winners of a promotional contest hat they held earlier on called "The Happy Family" contest. Monday James Haugland played Capt. Vonn Trapp on closing night. After the last show the kids had to say goodbye to Candance, their wrangler. Matthew became quite close to her and misses her quite a bit (like he misses his sisters!) So now we're flying off to WOOOhan! Wuhooooo!
1 comment:
I love reading about all your adventures! Your posts make me miss Asia all the more, even thought it's been 25 years since I was last there. I'm happy to read that you're enjoying your trip and immersing yourselves in the culture - it really is quite breath-taking! Keep up the posts!
;)Amy C. @ school
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