Thursday, July 10, 2008

Around Harbin

The Harbin theatre was great.  It was attached to the hotel, the stage door leading to backstage, was in the hotel lobby! Opening night was exciting because the cast was ready to get the show up and running again. It was amazing to see how much Matt grew over the hiatus! I managed to film Elsa and Max's songs..I love them and they are not in the movie.  It's funny how the Chinese do not respond to these songs because they are not as familiar as all of the others, but they are really clever and entertaining...(the songs not so much the chinese!) We were in the second row so I attempted to film the last scene, which is practically in total darkness. After the show we went to MceeDee's! Woohoo! And had a very eventful after show event! (hehe)  We walked around Harbin but  Tom's World (arcade heaven all around China!) was a hit the next day.... 
On Friday the 4th of July we went to see the Siberian Tigers.  It felt like entering Jurassic Park but it was filled with all kinds of cats! Matt got to hold a baby Tiger, it was the highlight of the day!  We all gathered in the morning to take a bus to the Tigers. It was a wee bit cheesy entering the park but once we were in, it was compared to Jurassic Park (according to Matt!)  We saw Five year old tigers, Mature tigers, African Tigers,  lazy  Jaguars,  Leopards, and LIGERS!!!  Matt even fed a tiger! That's ok to watch but if your week in the stomach ( or if you simply love ducks) don't watch the following....Duck vs. Tiger!    Guess who wins! We loved seeing the tigers "Safari Style".  On the way home we stopped at a large park.  We couldn't stay that day but we returned on July 7th. It was a fun filled day. We just happened to get the best taxi driver in Harbin and when I started to take pictures on the way to the park, he decided to give us a tour and show us extra items such as another Russian orthodox Church, a Mosk, a very ancient prison as well as the first cinema in all of China! Then we went on to the park which included some fun and games for Matt as well as a cable car ride over the Song River, driving around the park in a rented coup and taking a ferry back over.  We ended the evening eating at a great Russian restaurant!  The kids happened to make the newspaper a couple of times.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I thought Ligers only existed in Nepolian Dynomite!!!

I hope Matty liked our present ... I can't belive him in a teenager! WHOA. David landed safely in the states. He is driving back from Charlotte as we speak. He landed more work on Army Wives!!!!!! Don't know the details yet, but I believe he has the photo shoot this weekend and he will start filming more this summer. This is a huge opportunity because he will have a consistant speaking role!! Hollywood here we come! :)

Love you, miss you.

Aren't we using frequent flyer miles to come visit?!?!?! :-)