Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thanks and Prayers

Thank you to all of you who emailed Matthew and myself worrying about our where-abouts this past Monday after the horrendous earthquake in Chengdu. By a stroke of uncanny luck, before the quake, the cast and crew of "The Sound of Music" Asia we're given the option to fly home for a couple of weeks or take the cost of the flight in cash and stay in China after the Wuhan show was extended and the Beijing show was cancelled! (See what I mean about going with the flow!) Matthew and I decided to fly home and go to Florida for some much missed and desparately needed sunshine! We are scheduled to fly back to Shanghai in the beginning of June, but.... we'll see. So thank you again for your concern and please, please say a prayer or two for our new friends in Chengdu and Chongqing. We have heard from Candice and Belinda (in the pic with Matt) Yay!

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