Saturday, March 22, 2008

Chengdu Press Conference

So it's Monday morning, we slept 12 hours last night! Woohoo! It's a good thing because the kids have a  We met the American Consul's family; nice kids. The kids news conference.  started school today also.  The mothers all walked around Chengdu.  It's very smoggy around here, I hope someday we'll see the sun! Crossing the street is sooo scary. Drivers do not stop if they take a right so when you walk across the street you are truly taking your life in your hands, come to think of it they don't stop when they're taking a left either! Plus the bikes and mopeds (and there are tons of them)have their own lanes so it's like crossing 3 two way streets at a time and clearly pedestrians DO NOT have the right of way.  I'm not sure if they even have lanes unless there are cones up!

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